Explore the full range of OmniTool's powerful commands
Converts text to camelCase format.
Converts text to Capital Case format.
Converts text to CONSTANT_CASE format.
Converts text to dot.case format.
Converts text to lower case.
Converts text to UPPER CASE.
Converts text to PascalCase format.
Converts text to path/case format.
Converts text to Sentence case format.
Converts text to snake_case format.
Convert RGB color format to Hexadecimal format.
Convert RGB color format to HSL format.
Convert Hexadecimal color format to RGB format.
Convert Hexadecimal color format to HSL format.
Convert HSL color format to RGB format.
Convert HSL color format to Hexadecimal format.
Find a contrasting color for better readability.
Convert CSV data format to JSON format.
Convert JSON data format to CSV format.
Convert TSV (Tab Separated Values) to JSON format.
Convert JSON data format to TSV (Tab Separated Values).
Convert binary numbers to decimal numbers.
Convert decimal numbers to binary numbers.
Convert a date string into a timestamp in milliseconds.
Convert a date string into a timestamp in seconds.
Convert a millisecond timestamp into an ISO date string.
Convert a second timestamp into an ISO date string.
Convert a date string into a UTC string.
Encode a string into Base64 format.
Decode a Base64-encoded string.
Encode a URI by escaping special characters.
Decode an encoded URI component.
Convert text to a hexadecimal string.
Convert a hexadecimal string back to text.
Beautifies CSS code to improve readability.
Formats SQL queries for better readability.
Formats JSON to a readable string with indentation.
Beautifies HTML markup for improved readability.
Reduces CSS code size by removing unnecessary spaces.
Minimizes JSON by removing all extraneous whitespace.
Compresses HTML by reducing whitespace and comments.
Compute an MD5 hash for the given input.
Generate a SHA-1 hash from the provided input.
Create a SHA-256 hash of the input data.
Generate a SHA-512 hash value from the given input.
Converts JSON formatted text to YAML format.
Converts YAML formatted text to JSON format.
Converts JSON formatted text to TOML format.
Converts TOML formatted text to JSON format.
Converts YAML formatted text to TOML format.
Converts TOML formatted text to YAML format.
Escapes special characters in a string, making it safe for JSON.
Decodes escape sequences back to their original characters.
Removes all newline characters from the text.
Counts the total number of characters in the text.
Counts the total number of words in the text.
Counts the number of lines in the text.
Randomly shuffles the order of lines in the text.
Sorts lines in the text alphabetically.
Removes whitespace from the start and end of the text.
Calculates the size of the text in bytes.
Joins all lines into a single continuous line.
Joins lines with a space between each one.
Joins lines with a comma between each one.
Decodes a JSON Web Token and extracts its payload, header, and signature.
Converts a JSON object to a URL query string.
Converts a URL query string into a JSON object.
Generates a paragraph of Lorem Ipsum dummy text.
Converts a JS object string representation to a formatted JSON string.