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OmniTool Commands

Explore the full range of OmniTool's powerful commands


  • Convert to Camel Case

    Converts text to camelCase format.

  • Convert to Capital Case

    Converts text to Capital Case format.

  • Convert to Constant Case

    Converts text to CONSTANT_CASE format.

  • Convert to Dot Case

    Converts text to format.

  • Convert to Lower Case

    Converts text to lower case.

  • Convert to Upper Case

    Converts text to UPPER CASE.

  • Convert to Pascal Case

    Converts text to PascalCase format.

  • Convert to Path Case

    Converts text to path/case format.

  • Convert to Sentence Case

    Converts text to Sentence case format.

  • Convert to Snake Case

    Converts text to snake_case format.


  • RGB to Hex

    Convert RGB color format to Hexadecimal format.

  • RGB to HSL

    Convert RGB color format to HSL format.

  • Hex to RGB

    Convert Hexadecimal color format to RGB format.

  • Hex to HSL

    Convert Hexadecimal color format to HSL format.

  • HSL to RGB

    Convert HSL color format to RGB format.

  • HSL to Hex

    Convert HSL color format to Hexadecimal format.

  • Contrasting Color

    Find a contrasting color for better readability.


  • CSV to JSON

    Convert CSV data format to JSON format.

  • JSON to CSV

    Convert JSON data format to CSV format.

  • TSV to JSON

    Convert TSV (Tab Separated Values) to JSON format.

  • JSON to TSV

    Convert JSON data format to TSV (Tab Separated Values).

  • Binary to Decimal

    Convert binary numbers to decimal numbers.

  • Decimal to Binary

    Convert decimal numbers to binary numbers.

Date & Time

  • Date to Timestamp (ms)

    Convert a date string into a timestamp in milliseconds.

  • Date to Timestamp (secs)

    Convert a date string into a timestamp in seconds.

  • Timestamp to Date (ms)

    Convert a millisecond timestamp into an ISO date string.

  • Timestamp to Date (secs)

    Convert a second timestamp into an ISO date string.

  • Date to UTC

    Convert a date string into a UTC string.


  • Base64 Encode

    Encode a string into Base64 format.

  • Base64 Decode

    Decode a Base64-encoded string.

  • URI Encode

    Encode a URI by escaping special characters.

  • URI Decode

    Decode an encoded URI component.

  • Hex Encode

    Convert text to a hexadecimal string.

  • Hex Decode

    Convert a hexadecimal string back to text.


  • Format CSS

    Beautifies CSS code to improve readability.

  • Format SQL

    Formats SQL queries for better readability.

  • Format JSON

    Formats JSON to a readable string with indentation.

  • Format HTML

    Beautifies HTML markup for improved readability.

  • Minify CSS

    Reduces CSS code size by removing unnecessary spaces.

  • Minify JSON

    Minimizes JSON by removing all extraneous whitespace.

  • Minify HTML

    Compresses HTML by reducing whitespace and comments.


  • MD5 Hash

    Compute an MD5 hash for the given input.

  • SHA-1 Hash

    Generate a SHA-1 hash from the provided input.

  • SHA-256 Hash

    Create a SHA-256 hash of the input data.

  • SHA-512 Hash

    Generate a SHA-512 hash value from the given input.


  • JSON to YAML

    Converts JSON formatted text to YAML format.

  • YAML to JSON

    Converts YAML formatted text to JSON format.

  • JSON to TOML

    Converts JSON formatted text to TOML format.

  • TOML to JSON

    Converts TOML formatted text to JSON format.

  • YAML to TOML

    Converts YAML formatted text to TOML format.

  • TOML to YAML

    Converts TOML formatted text to YAML format.


  • Escape Text

    Escapes special characters in a string, making it safe for JSON.

  • Unescape Text

    Decodes escape sequences back to their original characters.

  • Remove New Lines

    Removes all newline characters from the text.

  • Count Characters

    Counts the total number of characters in the text.

  • Count Words

    Counts the total number of words in the text.

  • Count Lines

    Counts the number of lines in the text.

  • Shuffle Lines

    Randomly shuffles the order of lines in the text.

  • Sort Lines Alphabetically

    Sorts lines in the text alphabetically.

  • Trim Text

    Removes whitespace from the start and end of the text.

  • Calculate Size in Bytes

    Calculates the size of the text in bytes.

  • Join Lines

    Joins all lines into a single continuous line.

  • Join Lines with Space

    Joins lines with a space between each one.

  • Join Lines with Comma

    Joins lines with a comma between each one.


  • Decode JWT

    Decodes a JSON Web Token and extracts its payload, header, and signature.

  • JSON to Query String

    Converts a JSON object to a URL query string.

  • Query String to JSON

    Converts a URL query string into a JSON object.

  • Lorem Ipsum

    Generates a paragraph of Lorem Ipsum dummy text.

  • JS Object to JSON

    Converts a JS object string representation to a formatted JSON string.